We accept applications for emergency and emergency recruitment scholarships for students whose household finances have changed suddenly due to disasters, etc. and wish to receive scholarships. Students who wish to do so should contact the Student Support Section.
1. Areas and dates of application of the Disaster Relief Act
For details on areas covered by the Disaster Relief Act Japan please refer to the Student Services Organization website.
Areas where the Disaster Relief Act applies within one year | JASSO
2. Scholarships (sudden changes in household finances)
For those whose livelihood maintainers have been affected by earthquakes, fires, storm and flood damage Japan please see the Student Services Organization website for details.
Scholarships for Disaster Disasters and Sudden Changes in Household Finances (Sudden Changes in Household Finances) | JASSO
3. Loan scholarships (emergency and emergency recruitment)
For details Japan please visit the Student Services Organization website.
・Type 1 Scholarship in the Event of Disaster or Sudden Change in Household Finances (Emergency Recruitment) | JASSO
・Type 2 scholarship in the event of a disaster or sudden change in household finances (emergency recruitment) | JASSO
End of loan
・Emergency recruitment (Type 1 scholarship): Until the end of the fiscal year. However, those who are recognized as needing a Type 1 scholarship in the following academic year can extend it until the end of the period of study by submitting an application.
・Emergency recruitment (Type II scholarship): Until the end of the period of study.
4. JASSO Disaster Relief Fund
Japan Student Services Organization provides “Disaster Relief Funds” to those who have suffered damage to the houses where students and their livelihood maintainers live, such as above-floor flooding or more than half.
For details, please visit the following website.
JASSO Disaster Relief Fund | JASSO
Student Support Section TEL:0565-36-5913
E-mail: gakusei☆toyota-ct.ac.jp (convert “☆” to “@” and send an email)