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Introduction to the Department

JABEE Accredited Education Program

  1. JABEE Accredited Education Program
JABEE Accredited Education Program
Engineer education program with international parity

Overview of the JABEE Accredited Education Program

As an international university-level educational institution, our school has been accredited by the Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (commonly known as JABEE) in order Japan to improve the quality of education, including majors, and to gain social recognition, and we are committed to continuous educational improvement. Graduates of JABEE-accredited educational programs are exempt from the first examination for certified engineers and can register as assistant engineers.

Four programs have already been accredited: the Mechanical Engineering Program (FY2005), the Program of Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering (FY2004), the Program of Information Science (FY2005), and the Program of Environmental and Urban Engineering (FY2004). The Architecture Program was accredited in 2006, and all programs corresponding to the five departments were accredited, and from now on, all students who have completed our major courses will be certified as graduates of the JABEE Program.

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