On November 16, as part of JICA’s Task-Specific Training Program “Vocational Skills Development Administration,” officials from ministries and agencies from various countries visited Toyota KOSEN. The participants were officials of government agencies in charge of vocational and technical education and training in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Namibia, Nepal, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka.
First, Principal Yamada gave a greeting and introduced the participants, followed by an overview of the technical college education system and the characteristics of Toyota KOSEN. During the tour of the on-campus facilities (Monozukuri Center, RoboCup, and student dormitories), the students listened intently to the explanations of the faculty members and students at each location, and observed with great interest.
During the exchange of opinions after the visit, questions were asked about the distinctive educational system of the technical college, and it was a meaningful opportunity for international exchange.
Commemorative photo with Principal Yamada and participants
Participants listening to an explanation of RoboCup