If you wish to apply for a new scholarship for the Reiwa 5th academic year Japan Student Services Organization loan scholarship, please check the application procedure and complete the procedure.
Target Students: Type 1 (interest-free)… All grades
Second kind (interest-bearing) … 4th and 5th year students and major students
Type 1 Type 2 Combination … 4th and 5th year students and major students
《Application Procedure》
1. Confirmation of the outline of the scholarship system
Loan Scholarships (Requires Repayment): Please carefully read the leaflet on the Japan Student Services Organization (jasso.go.jp), the Loans Scholarship Guidebook, and institutional guarantees, and check the outline of the system.
2. Prepare application documents and apply to the Student Support Section Application deadline: Friday, October 13, Reiwa
Please submit the following documents to the Student Support Office by the deadline.
If there are circumstances such as long-term absences, we will accept them by mail. Please send it by simple registered mail, letter pack, or other means that can be traced. * If you do not have a printing environment, please contact the Student Support Section by Friday, September 29.
to be printed filled in and submitted>
1 Application for loan scholarship
2 2023 Scholarnet Input Draft Form (Draft Completed)
3 Confirmation letter and consent form regarding the handling of personal credit information
4 Confirmation of income status (Loan Scholarship Guide, page 30~31)
5 Mount for submission of transfer destination account
6 Video viewing confirmation sheet about loan scholarships
7 Application Checklist
1 Documents proving income that cannot be obtained from My Number in 4 above
2 Certificate of residence (if you cannot submit your My Number)
3 Documents related to special deduction (if you cannot submit your My Number)
3. Enter Scholarship Net and submit My Number Submission deadline: Friday, October 27, Reiwa 5
If there are no deficiencies in the application documents, additional application documents (Scholarship Net user ID, password and My Number submission form) will be distributed.
Please complete the entry from the Internet with the issued user ID and password.
Please fill in the application receipt number displayed when you complete the entry on the My Number submission form and send it to the Japan Student Services Organization by registered mail within one week of registration. (Envelope is enclosed.) )
=Contact Information=
Student Support Section, Student Affairs Division
★ to @ and send an email.